Month: September 2013

Saying No to RFPs (The “No” Series)

I am known for saying no a lot. So it's no surprise that you'll find me saying no to RFPs either. Join me in the NO series.

Say No to Overshoot: Avoid the Craftsman Paradigm

If you were building a chair, you'd want it to last forever. But you're not building a chair. So say no to overshoot.

Keep a Journal, Don’t worry about wearing pants

Sure, you could worry about wearing pants. But you don't have to. Not in the new distributed workforce. Here's my review of Scott Berkun's latest book.

How do you learn?

People learn in different ways. But we can all improve how we learn. Here are a couple of learning resources you may want to leverage.

Canvas vs. Genesis: When do you choose each?

There's a lot of great WordPress themes out there, but one of the debates I hear regularly is the "Canvas vs Genesis" one. Here's how I suggest you decide.

A road less traveled

Sometimes it's a path you don't find people on, but it can be wiser to choose the road less traveled.

Don’t Lose Your High Performers

You do all you can to hire right. But once you have your high performers, don't make these three mistakes, which will result in losing them.

Why our growth initiatives fail

Come step into my world and see if any of these reasons match your experiences for why our growth initiatives often fail.

Dealing with Abandoned Carts on WordPress e-Commerce Sites

If you run an e-commerce site on WordPress, then you'll soon deal with abandoned carts. Here are two plugins that might help.

The Worst Appliance in your Home for your Personal Development

Apple announced the new iPhones and shared about the camera on it. It says more about us than Apple. Here's why and how it impacts our personal development.