Month: October 2013

Embrace Destruction

We all get comfortable. It's natural. But to keep getting better and better, you need to learn to embrace destruction: the destruction of your comfort.

Want a better product?

Want to build a better product? It's really not as complicated as you might think. Embrace competition. Use it to challenge yourself.

Pricing Challenges: why raising rates may not always be the answer

Pricing is tough. Sometimes you hear that raising rates until people start saying no is the way to go. While that is a strategy, it may not always work.

Ten ways to ruin your resume

If I spend a day looking over a ton of resumes, I should at least redeem the day by giving you tips to avoid the chance you'll ruin your resume. Right?

iThemes Builder: Getting Past Shiny Stuff Syndrome

Even if you're attracted to the next new thing, you may want to circle back to iThemes Builder. It's simple and easy as ever. And even a bit new.

The Unintended Consequences of Freemium

We've lost any sense of the real value of people working hard. That's the unintended consequences of freemium.

Product companies: Are you tracking these three metrics?

I’d like to suggest three metrics that WordPress product companies should collect and monitor.

WordPress and Enterprise Software

Today I read the suggestion that should have used WordPress. When it comes to WordPress and enterprise software, I have some opinions.

Help someone accelerate their growth. Be a mentor!

You can have an impact and help someone grow, even without a formal program to be a mentor. It's just a choice to have an influence. One only you can make.

One touch deployments and staging environments for WordPress

If you're looking for staging environments, check out WP Engine. But if you aren't going to use them, here's how to do it anyway.

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