Month: March 2015

Two blogging tricks for when you run out of ideas

Sometimes you get stuck staring at a blank screen. In that moment, you're looking for blogging tricks to get you going again. Well here are two that work!

Want to sell more products? Do this!

If you want to sell more products, here's a simple solution you should seriously consider. Because not doing it is just plain silly.

Page Builder Themes: Obox’s Layers vs WPMU Dev’s Upfront

If you have to choose between these two page builder themes, which should you choose? Layers or Upfront? I'll tell you my opinion.

What does know about membership sites?

What does know about membership sites that you don't? I'll tell you right now.

How I overcome Impostor Syndrome before a Presentation

I have a trick that helps me overcome Impostor Syndrome for the 45 minutes before I get on stage to deliver a presentation. Here it is.

My Prestige Conference Review: The Good, Bad, And Amazing

I couldn't make the first Prestige Conference. I was out of town. But I just returned from the 2nd one and here's my review of the event.

Bloggers, these are the WordPress plugins you need

If you're a blogger, here are 15 WordPress plugins you need. They're the must-have set.

Do you remember the show Hoarders?

Did you ever see Hoarders? What if we're just as bad? But in a different way than on the show.

Here’s why Divi and other Page builders won’t go away

No matter how many people, "insiders" complain, Divi and other page builders won't disappear from the WordPress ecosystem.

Notifications from your WordPress powered app

If you're building a WordPress powered app, then this little plugin may help you solve a notifications issue quickly. It's a neat little find.