
Advanced Email Personalization

Every now and then I read an article that I wish I wrote. The other day I read one on email personalization. It's not the words or even the ideas. It's the depth on such an important topic. I have ...

Make your website a better salesperson

Has this ever happened to you? You're talking to a friend and they suddenly name another person. But it's a name you've never heard of before. And suddenly you're wondering how you got so lost. Now the story doesn't make ...

Getting past your insecurity to write an about page that delivers results

If you are going to write an about page, get ready for stress There are few things harder, when it comes to managing your own website, than the work that to write an about page that actually works. It seems ...

The Best Ways to Request a Testimonial

Why should you ask for a testimonial? As I transition my website from a pagebuilder to using Gutenberg, I'm re-doing my site's pages. If you didn't catch it, I added a new page, which is called “Ask me a Question.” ...

Are you designing for conversion?

You have a problem. But it's not traffic. Yesterday I highlighted that everyone wants more traffic. But let's be honest, that's not what you really want. Right? You want to convert that traffic. You want the results of that traffic ...

How do you come up with blog topics?

Do you already have a list of blog topics? Today is 25 days of blogging in a row. Yesterday, after my longer post on the size of the WordPress market for premium plugins, a ready hit reply (to the newsletter) ...

Share everything you know

For a period of three years I blogged daily. I missed a day here or there when I was sick or traveling, but it was more about the habit and pleasure I felt as I shared insights and reviews of ...

Why I recommend ConvertKit vs ActiveCampaign

Recommendations are a funny thing Everyone has an opinion, when it comes to the tools they use. And when someone asks me for my opinion, I give it to them. But the moment I do, something crazy happens. The debate ...

Great Answer, Wrong Question

I was a freshman in college when I failed my first test. Until then, throughout Jr and Sr high school I was an A student. I wasn’t used to failing tests. At all. But in college I took a class ...

How to sell in hard times

How do you sell in a downturn? If you've never been in this situation before, I get it. It's stressful. It's confusing. And when you're worried that you'll come off tone deaf, it's a challenge to know how to sell ...

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