
Order Bumps or Upsells?

Which grows your revenue faster? Order bumps or Upsells? The other day I saw someone ask which was more useful in driving order value up – order bumps or upsells? You know how important I think these are. And I've ...

Easy to Say, Hard to Do – Eliminate Friction

It doesn't matter if you're designing a new product or service, it takes a lot of work to get the new offering right. I'm in the middle of working on a new offering right now, and even though I've done ...

Team Discounts using Automator & Coupons

Imagine you wanted to create an online course that you were going to sell with WooCommerce. This is a request I get all the time. But then you get a more nuanced request – how do I sell team access, ...

Have You Tried WooFunnels?

When it comes to WooCommerce & funnels, there's a good chance you've heard of CartFlows – one of the earliest players working to bring ClickFunnel-like solutions to the WordPress ecosystem. But maybe you haven't heard about WooFunnels – an incredibly ...

WooCommerce Coupons and Automatic Discounts

A friend of mine is getting ready to do a product launch. He's using WooCommerce so it made sense for us to chat and the topic I focused on was coupons and automatic discounts. You see that yellow banner at ...

The Product Photos Made Me Buy It

I Try Not to Shop at Night A few years ago a box arrived on my doorstep. It was big. And inside it was a special pancake printer. My only problem? I didn't remember ordering it. I spent days looking ...

The Perfect WooCommerce Chatbot

I've been on a Quest for the Perfect WooCommerce Chatbot If you've been reading this blog for a while, you may remember my post in April about my efforts to find the right chatbot for WooCommerce. I shared with you ...

Creating a Better WooCommerce Follow Up Experience

Customer Dashboards are Helpful You might recall when I wrote about customer dashboards for membership sites. As I told you then, customer dashboards are incredibly helpful. Today, like all Mondays, I write about WooCommerce. So I'm going to share a ...

Embrace Frictionless eCommerce with One-Click Checkout

We All Know That Cart Abandonment Is A Thing If you have ever gone shopping online, there's a good chance you've left something in a cart without actually checking out. It's not your fault, there are a lot of reasons ...

How Much Should a WooCommerce Store Cost?

A few years ago I wrote a blog post for WooCommerce where I shared an approach for agencies on how to price the work of building a WooCommerce store. In that post I didn't give anyone an answer. I was ...