Product Business

Need a video for your WordPress plugin?

You decide to shoot a quick video to showcase your WordPress plugin. Turns out it's not so easy. Here are two resources you should know about.

Perspective matters when it comes to pricing

Understanding different pricing models really helps when trying to figure out what to charge. The main shift is in perspective - from inside to outside.

The future of WordPress Plugins

Wondering what the future of WordPress plugins will be? It's already here and with you, everywhere you go.

There is still a market for what you want to build

Even if you think your market is saturated, I want to tell you that there's still a market for what you want to do. It just takes a bit of innovation.

Charge more, Charge sooner, Charge often

Insecurity can really mess with your pricing. Here's my suggestion: charge more, charge sooner, and charge often. Oh, and get some help with pricing. It's hard.

Is it worth getting into the premium theme business?

People have wondered if the premium theme business is dead - seeing DevPress & Press75 for sale, and others (iThemes, WooThemes) move to plugins. It's not.

Are you considering all your product dimensions?

Once you start paying attention to all your product dimensions, you'll discover tons of ways to differentiate yourself while delighting customers.

Don’t scratch your itch

You hear it all the time, "I just scratched a personal itch. I made it for me, because I knew I was passionate about it. I hoped others would be too." Here's why it's wrong.

Developers, architects and managers: Consider my two day rule

It started as a simple question but has turned into a guide that impacts almost every aspect of software development on my teams: it's my two day rule.

When product developers build this, they sell more (and it’s not features)

You will logically be tempted to build more features. All the time. But don't. Build trust instead.