Product Business

From Support Forums to Ticket Systems

When you hear someone announce they're moving from support forums to ticket systems, you can get worried. Here's why you shouldn't.

Embrace Competition

You can like it, you can hate it, but the truth is, competition is good for you. So embrace competition and let it help you grow.

Customers And Users aren’t the same

Customers and users are two words we sometimes confuse. They're not the same. Customers pay. Users use.

Optimal Pricing

How do you go about finding optimal pricing for your events? Here's some research you might find interesting.

Are you doing cohort analysis?

Sometimes I ask people to send me their numbers and I only get part of the data. If you're not doing cohort analysis, you may be missing some valuable info.

More Thoughts on Pricing

Because I had more to say about pricing, I decided to write another post on the topic.

When should you NOT release premium WordPress plugins?

Let's be honest - there are some cases where you shouldn't release premium WordPress plugins. Don't believe me? Let me tell you my story.

Is your Pricing Grid hurting Conversion?

Is your pricing grid hurting your conversion? Maybe you're making the same mistake I've been making.

Guinea Worms & Problem Solving

The story of the guinea worm has a lot to teach us about problem solving. Particularly, it helps us learn which problems to solve.

What is Overshoot?

When you skip past all your profit, and watch it go down the drain, it may be because of overshoot. Here's the one thing you have to get right.