Services Business

No one likes to hear “You’re not my target market”

"You're not my target market." You hear it. You don't like it. But you should respect it.

Why I don’t have an Hourly Rate

Want to know why I don't have an hourly rate? Because I don't think it makes sense. I think the model is broken & it doesn't answer the main question.

What is Overshoot?

When you skip past all your profit, and watch it go down the drain, it may be because of overshoot. Here's the one thing you have to get right.

On Becoming Known

Are you interested in becoming known? Here's the two things I think you need to master: consistency & segmentation.

Are you a Developer that wants a Job? Hiring a Developer?

Are you hiring a developer? Want some tips? Check out this video.

WordPress Freelancers: Two Metrics, Two Equations

For my WordPress freelancer friends I want to suggest 2 metrics and 2 equations that I think will help them succeed.

Changing the Pricing Conversation with Clients

People get nervous when talking about pricing with customers. But there's no need. Talk about value instead.

Are you tracking your time?

Are you debating whether it's worth tracking your time? Here are three reasons to get started soon.

Respectfully, Your Emergency Is Not My Emergency

I had a conversation today where we touched on client emergencies. And I made the statement that some client emergencies are not my emergency. Here's why.

Two Skills for Greater Consultant Profitability

You'll make more money if you learn the new M&A skills - mirroring and analysis.