Agency Management

Are you a WordPress-Oriented business? Need business help? Check here

Need business help? Well, even if I can't help you, you're still in luck - because here are three great resources for you.

Developers, architects and managers: Consider my two day rule

It started as a simple question but has turned into a guide that impacts almost every aspect of software development on my teams: it's my two day rule.

Is this the reason your billings are low?

There are many reasons that your billings may be low. Just don't let the presence of fear be one of them.

Serving your clients or your client’s clients

Folks who cut hair get it. You liking your cut is great. But not enough. As a web professional, do you know it's not just about serving your clients?

Business Models shouldn’t be scary

Having a hypothesis of how your business will run is a good thing. Calling them business models may make them sound scarier, but they don't have to be.

Designing a Customer Happiness Report: Five decisions you have to make

Customer happiness reports share the current status of a business by publishing key metrics. Designing one of your own means making these five decisions.

Focus on your Strengths

With talk about being a unicorn (the mythical designer/developer combination), the question is - is it realistic? Or should you focus on your strengths?

Team, Idea or Market? What’s most important?

What's most important? The team? The idea? Or your market? What if I said it was something else? What if I told you it was all about your blind spots?

Five amazing resources for entrepreneurs

If you're an entrepreneur facing tough choices (and who isn't?), then here's my list of five resources for entrepreneurs just for you.

Pricing Challenges: why raising rates may not always be the answer

Pricing is tough. Sometimes you hear that raising rates until people start saying no is the way to go. While that is a strategy, it may not always work.