Agency Management

How do you learn?

People learn in different ways. But we can all improve how we learn. Here are a couple of learning resources you may want to leverage.

A road less traveled

Sometimes it's a path you don't find people on, but it can be wiser to choose the road less traveled.

Surround yourself with smart people

If there's one trick you should put in your arsenal to increase your business, revenue, and more - it's to surround yourself with smart people.

A Conversion Question: Do your clients really need a web site?

The question - do your customers need a web site - should challenge you to focus on the right thing: conversion.

Are you a Developer that wants a Job? Hiring a Developer?

Are you hiring a developer? Want some tips? Check out this video.

Are you tracking your time?

Are you debating whether it's worth tracking your time? Here are three reasons to get started soon.

No you can’t have a new custom Designed site for $300 in Two days

When a developer found out the client wanted a rush custom job and only had $300 to spend, they knew it was "no" time.

Do you have a NOT TO DO list?

Everyone I know has to do lists. But do you have a not to do list? Because that's where you're wasting most of your time - doing things you shouldn't be.

Web Development Shops: Prepare Yourselves

If you're a web development shop, then I want to make a few suggestions about your focus areas for next year.

Perspective: Working “On” rather than “In”

You can't see patterns or ask great questions without perspective. Here's how to start thinking about your business differently and why it's critical.