
Four Great Infographic Generators

You've seen those great infographics out there. Ever wanted to create your own? Now it's easy. Here are four great infographics generators you need to check out!

Keeping Content Sticky: Understanding how your brain remembers

Whether you write blog articles or present powerpoint slides, you want your main points remembered. That's why it's critical that you learn how the brain remembers things and leverage it.

Infographics don’t need to take forever: Use an infographics generator software package

You've seen infographics on Pintrest, right? Want a behind the scenes look at how to create quick infographics, even if you're not a graphic designer?

Free Sticky Teaching Poster

One of the most common requests was from teachers who wanted a poster to put it up in a resource location, or place like that. So I created this version of the poster. I was going to sell it, but I decided to give it away for free.

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