
Product Ladders & What People Want

Like I told you the other day, I'm working on bringing all my courses from different locations all to this site. And the moment I started building out the course catalog, I realized I was going to need to create ...

The Challenge of Lessons Learned

Are “Lessons Learned” Real? I've spent the week talking with business owners at CaboPress. One of the things that constantly surprises me is how much we know collectively that we don't apply to our own, or each others' situations. It ...

Three Lessons for Non-Technical Founders

Non-Technical founders can navigate the initial challenges of a startup as much as anyone else but it's never easy - so here are three tips to help re-orient what you think you know.

Analyzing the Competition

Why is is important to analyze the competition? Anytime I hear someone say, “we don't have any competition,” I know two things. First, they are defining competition incorrectly. Second, they're in for trouble when it comes to growth. It's why ...

Are You Learning The Wrong Lesson?

That Time I Got Caught Shoplifting I had a tiny allowance growing up. It's not like I needed the money for anything. I'm talking about pre-driving age. So the money was just for fun stuff and snacks. But I felt ...

Life is Poker not Chess

Life is Poker not Chess The entire day today I've had this sentence running thru my head. “Life is poker, not chess.” It's because I'm reading Annie Duke's Thinking in Bets again. I read it when it first came out, ...

On Perfectionism

I don't know when it happened. Or rather, I don't know when things changed. I clearly remember a time when the internal monologue in my head was negative every time I failed. And I clearly recognize that today that voice ...

Our Instincts are Wrong

Are Your Instincts Serving You? Imagine that you and I are sitting in the living room, hanging out. And suddenly you hear a small sound – a knocking of sorts. Then it's a bit of a sliding sound. I interrupt ...

When Experience Betrays Us

Can we talk about expertise for a second? In fact, more specifically, I’d like to talk about the problem with expertise. There is some great research by Gary Klein, which he shares in his book The Power of Intuition. It's ...

The Emails You Need to Sell Coaching

Are you starting to sell coaching services? In the last few weeks I've spoken to a couple of folks that are looking to sell coaching services. Additionally, I've discovered folks in the WordPress ecosystem that are adding coaching to what ...