
Can I Introduce you to “Done Done?”

I talk a lot about the concept of "done done" and I gave a talk this past weekend on it. You can now see it, & check out the 12 habits of high performers.

The dire state of programmers in their twenties

I read a post about the dire state of WordPress, written by a twenty-something programmer. So I replied with my own take.

Why Technology Won’t Solve Your Virtual Teams Challenges

No technology out there will help virtual teams perform better. That's because the real issues to solve don't require technology. They require leadership.

Hire for Integrity

The consequences of poor hiring are well known. But what should you look for in a future employee? My take? Hire for Integrity.

Five Tools for Virtual Teams

Everyone who runs virtual teams knows the challenges of communication. Here are my five favorite tools for virtual teams.

Leading is Easier when you Hire the Right Employee

Leading is a lot easier when you hire the right employee. Here is my three pronged interview approach that helps me find them.

Virtual Teams: The WordCamp Edition

I've presented this talk at two WordCamps in Los Angeles (2012) and Phoenix (2013). It's focused on how to help virtual teams work more effectively.

Scaffolding: Nothing Good Comes Easy

High performers who pursue mastery do it by leveraging the art of scaffolding.

Are you managing high performers the right way?

I know managing high performers isn't easy. Sometimes it feels so tough you wish you had a team of average folks. Well here are four mistakes to avoid.

Site Owners: Prepare Yourselves

Site Owners: If you want to refresh your web site, and are looking for a designer or developer, do this first. Prepare yourselves.