
High Performers love Mastery

High performers love personal mastery, but they don't approach things the way everyone else does. They know it's not about needing more knowledge.

A Done Done Culture: Habit Twelve

High performance folks understand what a "Done Done" culture is all about. In part 12 of 12, I look at the last habit of high performers.

Done Done Infographic

Developing a culture that attracts and keeps high performance staff engaged isn't simple. My upcoming eBook highlights how to create a Done Done culture.

A Done Done Culture: Habit Eleven

High performance folks understand what a "Done Done" culture is all about. In part 11 of 12, I look at the eleventh habit of high performers.

A Done Done Culture: Habit Ten

High performance folks understand what a "Done Done" culture is all about. In part 10 of 12, I look at the tenth habit of high performers.

A Done Done Culture: Habit Nine

High performance folks understand what a "Done Done" culture is all about. In part 9 of 12, I look at the ninth habit of high performers.

A Done Done Culture: Habit Eight

High performance folks understand what a "Done Done" culture is all about. In part 8 of 12, I look at the eighth habit of high performers.

A Note to Non-Technical Founders: 10 Things I look for in a Start-Up

If you're a non-technical founder & approach me with a fantastic start-up opportunity, know this. I'm not looking at 1 factor. I'm looking at 10. So go deeper than market potential.

A Done Done Culture: Habit Seven

High performance folks understand what a "Done Done" culture is all about. In part 7 of 12, I look at the seventh habit of high performers.

A Done Done Culture: Habit Six

High performance folks understand what a "Done Done" culture is all about. In part 6 of 12, I look at the sixth habit of high performers.