
The Value of Meeting in Person

I've been in South Africa for a week and the best part of it has been connecting with the WooThemes team - meeting in person.

Approachable WordPress

Every community has its superstars. The difference in the WordPress community is that ours are accessible. That's Approachable WordPress.

You just don’t know, So act accordingly

Events and conferences are places where my defaults betray me. I know this. I know better. So I have to act accordingly.

Want more innovation? Slow down and collide

Everyone is talking about the need for increased creativity. Want more innovation? Slow down and choose an alternative path: collision.

The Commoditization of Intellect

As things get cheaper, easier and faster to accomplish, it might lead us to despair. But the commoditization of intellect doesn't need to.

Want impact and influence? Remember their names

Want to have great impact and influence over the people you meet? It's really simple. Remember their names.

Blame my dad

If you're thinking about blaming me for something - especially in business - don't do it. Instead, blame my dad.

Surround yourself with smart people

If there's one trick you should put in your arsenal to increase your business, revenue, and more - it's to surround yourself with smart people.

Is Pressnomics worth 10 WordCamps?

I saw the question today, "Is Pressnomics worth 10 WordCamps?" Here's my answer.

WordCamp Business Tracks

Not everyone likes the trend of business tracks at WordCamps. Here's why I like them.