
The Unintended Consequences of Freemium

We've lost any sense of the real value of people working hard. That's the unintended consequences of freemium.

Sustainability for WordPress Themes

Our pricing conversations aren't yet done. I'm looking at sustainability for WordPress themes, because I fear moving down the same path as plugin developers did.

Pricing lies we tell ourselves

We've been talking about WooThemes and their pricing changes all day. But I want to look at three pricing lies we tell ourselves.

Don’t forget why people are paying you

If you're creating a new product, make sure you're clear about why people are paying you. That alignment can drive your success or completely kill you.

Why we all suck at Pricing

Let's be honest: we all suck at pricing. But why is that? Here;s my take on the two reasons why I think we all suck at pricing.

On Pricing: Why discounts don’t work

I know we all love discounts - at least in the moment. But discounts don't work for me because of what happens later. In the end, I'm an unhappy customer.

Optimal Pricing

How do you go about finding optimal pricing for your events? Here's some research you might find interesting.

Are you Leaving Money on the Table? The secret to Value-based Pricing

If there's a secret to value-based pricing, it's that we often don't know how to determine value. If you're leaving money on the table, stop it now.

More Thoughts on Pricing

Because I had more to say about pricing, I decided to write another post on the topic.

WordPress Plugin Prices Are Too Low

Even if you were going to trade hours for dollars, which I don't recommend - you'd never pay that little! WordPress plugin prices are too low.