
Is your Pricing Grid hurting Conversion?

Is your pricing grid hurting your conversion? Maybe you're making the same mistake I've been making.

Why I don’t have an Hourly Rate

Want to know why I don't have an hourly rate? Because I don't think it makes sense. I think the model is broken & it doesn't answer the main question.

The Flaw in the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Extension

There is a flaw in the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Plugin. All of the amazing dynamic pricing rules are applied in the cart, not on the product page.

Changing the Pricing Conversation with Clients

People get nervous when talking about pricing with customers. But there's no need. Talk about value instead.

Two Skills for Greater Consultant Profitability

You'll make more money if you learn the new M&A skills - mirroring and analysis.

Say it with me… Recurring Revenue

WordCamps need business tracks so that no one has to reinvent the wheel. Pricing models is but one example. It's all about recurring revenue!

No you can’t have a new custom Designed site for $300 in Two days

When a developer found out the client wanted a rush custom job and only had $300 to spend, they knew it was "no" time.

5 Sure-Fire Ways to get a Software Refund

Want to get a software refund? Here are the five simple things you need to do!

Yearly Plugin Fees

Some people are bothered by the yearly license fees for some premium plugins. I'm not one of them.

Why buy the cow when the milk is free?

It's an age old question: Why buy the cow when the milk is free? It applies to freelancers as much as anyone else.

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