Product Development

Building a New Product? The Trick is Niching Down.

Let's say we were getting into the eCommerce product space… Imagine I was getting into the eCommerce product space. The first advice I'd give myself would all be about niching down. Because, after all, it's the first advice I'd give ...

Building an Online Marketplace Has Never Been Easier in 2021

If you want to sell stuff, even physical stuff, you don't need to run to ETSY. Building an online marketplace has never been easier with WordPress.

Ten questions to ask before building new plugins

Here are the ten questions I ask folks before they embark on the effort to create a new theme or plugin (or any new product).

Building products? Embrace successive experimentation & affordable loss

Most people think about their new product development efforts by looking at what they could gain. Maybe you should look at your affordable loss.

Why I love Heap Analytics (and why you should too)

Everything is different at scale. If I asked you to figure out how many people on your block (about 20 homes) had visited Disneyland in the last year, you might decide to go door-to-door and ask. But if I asked ...

How do I get free users to subscribe to paid memberships?

How do I get free users to subscribe? It's a question I hear a lot. Just about every time I get into a conversation about membership sites. But before we get into the answer to that, we need to back ...

Creating an online course? Don’t make this mistake!

Ever played Monopoly? I don't have a lot of pet peeves.  One of them, however, is listening to someone poorly explain a game to someone who has never played it. I don't know why it bothers me so much but ...

Understanding network effects helps you build better products

For more than eight years, I was lucky enough to work at a software company focused on vertical markets. I didn't step into the company with any expectation that it would be any different from any of the software companies where I'd ...

Why customers want WordPress Page Builders

Why do people want WordPress Page Builders? Before I get into this, I need to take you back several years ago. Make that a few hundred. It's likely you don't know much about how furniture was built in the 17th ...

Have you started to automate website testing?

Isn't it time to automate website testing? It doesn't matter who I talk to when it comes to building websites or software—there's never enough time to test everything. That's not to say that companies aren't testing software—because they are. But when ...