Sales And Prospecting

Charge more, Charge sooner, Charge often

Insecurity can really mess with your pricing. Here's my suggestion: charge more, charge sooner, and charge often. Oh, and get some help with pricing. It's hard.

Pricing your next WordPress Project

Pricing is tough. I always start there. But here are some resources (videos, posts, ebooks) that may help you out.

Five tips for dealing with non-paying clients (after deploying a site)

Here are five tips that I want to share with you about dealing with non-paying clients.

The Freelancers guide for Risky Projects: Pricing Risk

Of the many things you can do when dealing with projects full of unknowns, the first, in my opinion, is a skill all freelancers should have: pricing risk.

WordPress developers, stop leaving money on the table

This is a blog post for WordPress developers. And it's not a post about pricing. But it does highlight how you may missing a golden opportunity.

Is this the reason your billings are low?

There are many reasons that your billings may be low. Just don't let the presence of fear be one of them.

Our decisions aren’t purely rational

We aren't as purely rational in our decision making as we like to tell ourselves. Why? Because our senses - touch, smell, visual - impact our choices.

Pricing Challenges: why raising rates may not always be the answer

Pricing is tough. Sometimes you hear that raising rates until people start saying no is the way to go. While that is a strategy, it may not always work.

Saying No to RFPs (The “No” Series)

I am known for saying no a lot. So it's no surprise that you'll find me saying no to RFPs either. Join me in the NO series.

Selling more is all about Perspective

Want to sell more themes and plugins? Then you need to make a shift in how you sell. It's all about perspective and you need a change: from the inside out.