Articles And Insights

Timing is Everything

It doesn't matter if it's surfing or business, timing is everything. Make sure you get the help you need to know how to plan your launch.

Learning how to Create a WordPress Plugin the Right Way

The challenge with learning how to create a WordPress plugin is that WordPress has changed over the years and some top ranked posts are old. What to do?

Puff Puff Pass

Now, I have never inhaled. I've never been high. But I know the rule: when you have something good, you share.

It’s all about Perspective

I take a week each year to rest, relax and read. The reading part gives me perspective. And it's really helpful.

WordCamp Business Tracks

Not everyone likes the trend of business tracks at WordCamps. Here's why I like them.

Passive Income Strategies aren’t very Passive

Most passive income strategies aren't passive - which kind of defeats the purpose, right? If you're thinking membership sites are free money, think again.

More Thoughts on Pricing

Because I had more to say about pricing, I decided to write another post on the topic.

The Secret of My Success

Want to know the secret of my success? Four words. But spoken in the right way, by the right people.

Get $200 off the InfiniteWP Lifetime Offer

They're at it again - even though this time the InfiniteWP lifetime offer is more expensive - it's still a great deal. I'm making it even better.

When should you NOT release premium WordPress plugins?

Let's be honest - there are some cases where you shouldn't release premium WordPress plugins. Don't believe me? Let me tell you my story.