Articles And Insights

Infographics don’t need to take forever: Use an infographics generator software package

You've seen infographics on Pintrest, right? Want a behind the scenes look at how to create quick infographics, even if you're not a graphic designer?

Sticky Teaching for Presentations

I regularly give presentations on giving presentations (I know, so meta). Today I'll be delivering a private webinar to a group of software professionals who will be presenting technical information next month at a conference. Here's the deck.

Free Sticky Teaching Poster

One of the most common requests was from teachers who wanted a poster to put it up in a resource location, or place like that. So I created this version of the poster. I was going to sell it, but I decided to give it away for free.

Seven Habits I picked up from Covey

This morning Mr. Covey, of Seven Habits fame, passed away. Whether you liked him, his books, his management or organizational style or not, there's no question he had an impact with several of his books in the Seven Habits pack. So here's my take on the seven things I learned from Stephen Covey.

Better Presentations: Three Tips for Tour Guides

I think all tour guides should be vetted before being given 20-40 paying passengers. Why? Because some of them have truly sucked this week! So here are my three tips to tour guides and see if they don't apply to you when you give presentations (of any kind) as well.

Friends don’t let friends have janky web sites

You know the kind of site I'm talking about right? If it were a home, there'd be a car (on blocks) in the front yard. If it were an outfit, it's the one that ensures you won't stand next to your friend when they're wearing it. So why do you let your friends have sites like these?

Misleading Fonts & the Results

Almost every week I'm involved in creating a deck (PowerPoint set of slides) of some sort. Because I'm regularly cleaning up slides designed by others, it's not surprising that one of the first things I do is clean up the fonts. Normally, however, I don't explain why I'm doing what I'm doing. Here's why.

Higgs Boson: 5 ways it’s related to WordPress

It’s likely you’ve heard about the recent buzz and potential announcement related to the Higgs Boson. Well, what you haven’t heard is how it’s related to WordPress. You can only get that here. So here they are – 5 ways they’re related

Hierarchy of WordPress Hosting Decisions

How do you make a decision about where to host your WordPress site? If it's just about the money, you can always go for - where things start at $0. But over time you may decide it's right to move. So what's next? And does your site only move once?

Your Outbound Marketing Sucks!

I've visited more than once. We've seen each other a few times. But let's be clear - we're not friends or family. I have no loyalty to you. So let's get one things straight: me getting a lot of emails from you doesn't constitute a relationship.