Articles And Insights

There is still a market for what you want to build

Even if you think your market is saturated, I want to tell you that there's still a market for what you want to do. It just takes a bit of innovation.

The dirty little secret of drag and drop page builders

If you were thinking of using a drag and drop page builder, here's a dirty little secret few people talk about.

You wouldn’t buy a car this way, so don’t design your site like this

You would never walk into the dealership and make a purchasing decision based solely on how a car looks right? So why are you making choices like that when you design your site?

Never Eat Alone

No, this isn't a book review. I'm not summarizing the book, Never Eat Alone. Instead, I'm talking about my conference strategy, as I lived it out in Austin.

Learning WordPress? Four lessons from a cigar aficionado

There's a lot that can be learned from learning to smoke cigars, if you're thinking about learning WordPress.

Charge more, Charge sooner, Charge often

Insecurity can really mess with your pricing. Here's my suggestion: charge more, charge sooner, and charge often. Oh, and get some help with pricing. It's hard.

Are you ready to become a rainmaker?

If you're tired of answering technical questions and dealing with low level issues that distract you from being a rainmaker, then you'll want to read this.

Is it worth getting into the premium theme business?

People have wondered if the premium theme business is dead - seeing DevPress & Press75 for sale, and others (iThemes, WooThemes) move to plugins. It's not.

Are you considering all your product dimensions?

Once you start paying attention to all your product dimensions, you'll discover tons of ways to differentiate yourself while delighting customers.

Why I only recommend 8 membership plugins

Once upon a time… A long time ago I used to have a huge key ring. It had keys to my apartment, multiple offices at work, some keys for lockers at the gym, and car keys. The key ring was ...