
Can I Introduce you to “Done Done?”

I talk a lot about the concept of "done done" and I gave a talk this past weekend on it. You can now see it, & check out the 12 habits of high performers.

To Change Anything, You Need These Three Things

If you want to change anything, you're going to need three things. Here's my take, as I share the WordCamp San Diego business track story.

The dire state of programmers in their twenties

I read a post about the dire state of WordPress, written by a twenty-something programmer. So I replied with my own take.

Why Technology Won’t Solve Your Virtual Teams Challenges

No technology out there will help virtual teams perform better. That's because the real issues to solve don't require technology. They require leadership.

If You Have No Time to Practice, You’re Doing it Wrong

It's not about 100% utilization. It's about carving out some time to train, to practice and to learn. That's how you get truly excellent.

Hire for Integrity

The consequences of poor hiring are well known. But what should you look for in a future employee? My take? Hire for Integrity.

The 2nd Annual International Leadership Blogathon

What do you get when you bring leadership folks from across the globe to participate in an International Leadership Blogathon? Pure wisdom. Check it out!

Procrastinate for Greater Productivity

Most people think that it's a poor choice to procrastinate. I disagree. In the right situations, letting time do the work is a great idea.

You don’t need to be Internet Famous

To enjoy a happy life, you don't need to be internet famous. What you need is to be locally valued.

Your Zero Sum Thinking Sucks

If you have to choose between being a professional and being a team player, walk away. That zero sum thinking sucks.