WP Tips

Programmer, Developer, Engineer: What’s in a name?

Have you heard the terms programmer, developer and engineer? Have you wondered what the difference was? Here's my take.

Integrating Gravity Forms with Basecamp (and 210 other web services)

Integrating Gravity Forms with web services (like BaseCamp) has just gotten much, much easier - because of a single service (Zapier) and a new add-on.

Is Pressnomics worth 10 WordCamps?

I saw the question today, "Is Pressnomics worth 10 WordCamps?" Here's my answer.

WordCamp Business Tracks

Not everyone likes the trend of business tracks at WordCamps. Here's why I like them.

Being Intentional with People

It may sound strange, but I find that being intentional is the most strategic thing you can do to prepare for conferences. That's how I approach WordCamps.

A WordPress Menu Trick that may help your Conversions

If you do this WordPress menu trick, you might see more people spending more time on your site. That's not necessarily a bad thing.

Dates have been announced for Pressnomics2

The dates are announced and I've created a little infographic to help you make your decision.

WordPress Obesity – Is it Mortal Yet?

Themes are getting big boned. Heavy. Hefty. Thick. And we better do something about it before this case of WordPress obesity becomes mortal.

How are you helping beginners?

How are you helping beginners? How are you coming along side the people who are just starting. 200 hours into 10,000 can be a discouraging time.

Come get the weekend executive wpMBA on June 2

Imagine buying a WordCamp Orange County ticket and suddenly seeing it's value shoot way up. Well now it has. On Sunday we'll run a 3 hour wpMBA Q&A session.