WordPress Theme Reviews

Should I use the Genesis Framework by StudioPress?

It all started with a tweet… The other day I tweeted that I'd migrated a site over to Liquid Web. Someone saw the tweet, clicked the link, visited the site and noticed it was using the Genesis Framework by StudioPress. ...

Why I’m sticking with Rainmaker after that other product launched…

Have you ever seen a house get built? If you've never been part of building a house, or watched a house or building get built, then the metaphor or illustration I am about to use won't make much sense. But ...

My Rainmaker Platform Review

I realized, when someone asked the other day, how I felt about Rainmaker and how it was going, that I'd written a lot about its features without telling you what I felt about it. So here are my feelings. https://youtu.be/gikdvEYNT4s ...

Is Rainmaker worth it?

The World is Digital Years ago, when I was in high school, a girlfriend's dad explained to me that computers and software were permeating everything. They would soon take over controlling all sorts of things that weren't (at the time) ...

Why I recommend Beaver Builder to WordPress Freelancers

Yesterday I was the presenter at our local WordPress meetup It's a great group of folks that are developers, designers, site configurators, implementers and business owners. Basically, the group is diverse with a variety of skill sets. And my topic was ...

Page Builder Themes: Obox’s Layers vs WPMU Dev’s Upfront

If you have to choose between these two page builder themes, which should you choose? Layers or Upfront? I'll tell you my opinion.

When was the last time you looked at Headway Themes?

Sometimes we're looking for something new when there's something right in front of us. So tell me, when was the last time you looked at Headway Themes?

WordPress Drag & Drop solutions: Make vs. Carrington Build

How do you choose between these two different drag and drop solutions: Make vs Carrington Build. Here's my take on the comparison.

Which WordPress Theme should I use?

I hear it all the time: which WordPress theme should I use? And the answer is always, "it depends." But here is my answer, and a new market entrant.

Do you need to make a new WordPress site? Try Make

Make is a free WordPress drag & drop theme that you're really going to like.

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