Month: April 2016

Are you using WordPress for coaching?

If you're using WordPress to run a coaching program of any kind, I want to know about you. What do you mean coach? A lot of coaches, trainers, and others putting content online (or creating courses) often need two different ...

How do you find the best WordPress slider?

How do you find the best WordPress slider?  Compare 20 of them. In 2013 I reviewed slider plugins for performance. It's been a long time since I circled back because, after all, these are sliders and I'm not that much of ...

The trick to managing people smarter than yourself

Do you know I have a younger brother? I grew up the older brother in my family. My younger brother was only 15 months younger because there had been a strong chance I wouldn't make it at birth and the ...

Three Zippy Courses features I wish they would add

Have you been thinking about building an online course? I write a decent amount of articles on online course creation simply because more and more, it's the core questions I get on Clarity. It seems like every day people are ...

Load Testing WooCommerce Sites

In a webinar I was on recently, I talked about load testing WooCommerce sites. Yesterday I was asked if I had written about it and so, today, I can say that I have. What is load testing? Load testing means ...

What are product onramps?

Eighteen months ago I discovered this plugin that was a page builder for WordPress—from a long list of solutions I'd tried. I was writing a comparison post in October of 2014 and frankly, I'd never heard of Beaver Builder. A ...

Getting the order right on building new online courses

Are you getting ready to build new online courses? An academy of sorts? If so, there's an order that you need to get right. When I answer calls on Clarity, normally what I hear from people is that they're using ...

Have you embraced the full power of storytelling?

There's power in your story The other day I was interviewed by my friend Carrie Dils on her OfficeHoursFM Podcast. We talked all about the power of storytelling—in business. I'm hoping it was practical and useful, as I didn't spend ...

Installment plan support is needed in WordPress

If you're running a membership site or online course using WordPress, you've likely noticed that installment plan support is kind of missing… What are Installment Plans? If you've ever wanted to buy something that cost more than you could afford, ...

Warning: Learn WordPress plugins before using them

Before putting them into a project, you should learn WordPress plugins—what they do, how they do it, and what you can do with them. “The Problem with Gravity Forms” I answered a call on Clarity where the person was frustrated. ...

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