Articles And Insights

Five Things I Love about GoDaddy

I know I spend a lot of time telling people not to host their WordPress sites on GoDaddy, but here are 5 things I love about GoDaddy.

Choosing Between WordPress .ORG & .COM

How do you know which option to choose when looking at the and solutions? Here are some questions to ask.

Will your Product Launch Fail? Three Reasons it might

Focused on getting new products out the door? As you do, are you also focused on making sure the launch doesn't flop? Here are three reasons it might not go well, and what you can do about it.

Why Use Images?

Do you know how the brain reacts to words and pictures in PowerPoint? Want to know which has more impact? It's not a secret. Pictures win!

Answer the Unspoken Questions

What if you knew the three questions that needed to be answered in every presentation? Would you want to know them? Here's what they are...

Stop Saying This! Now!

What if the phrase you are using to inspire confidence is doing the very opposite? Would you want to know?

Don’t Confuse Pricing And Revenue Strategies

Pricing is something you set and hope your clients pay. Revenue is more - and holds all the assumptions of your business model. Plan wisely. And don't confuse them.

The Power of Words

Sticks and stones may never leave the legacy that words can - for better or worse. Here are some quick tips on how to leverage the power of words.

The Impossible that’s Possible

What becomes possible, which may have felt impossible just moments before, because we respond to the needs around us?

Your WordPress Site: Five Lies Holding up your Launch

When you get started with a Wordpress blog or site, it's easy to get overwhelmed with all the choices in front of you, and you might be tempted to believe one of these five lies.