Themes & Plugins

Should I use RainMaker or host my own Platform?

In a call the other day, this simple question was asked of me, "Should I use RainMaker or host my own platform?" Here's my answer.

Building your First WordPress plugin? No one will tell you this…

Building your first WordPress plugin can be scary. But it doesn't have to be. There are tons of resources to help. And here's the one thing no one tells you.

WordPress Drag & Drop solutions: Make vs. Carrington Build

How do you choose between these two different drag and drop solutions: Make vs Carrington Build. Here's my take on the comparison.

Membership Plugins don’t do that

I get a lot of questions about membership plugins on my site. Sometimes I have to level set expectations about what they're meant to do.

Comparing Drag & Drop WordPress Page Builders

If you're going to be comparing drag and drop WordPress page builders then you'll likely want to start with this short list.

Create Amazing Landing Pages with Ease

It used to be hard. Not anymore. Now you can create amazing landing pages in WordPress with this new option.

Which WordPress Theme should I use?

I hear it all the time: which WordPress theme should I use? And the answer is always, "it depends." But here is my answer, and a new market entrant.

Pick your Plugin: WordPress Membership Site Tutorials

If you want tutorials for creating WordPress membership sites, then here are a couple of walk-thrus.

Was it easy to switch WordPress themes? Yes!

I recently changed my theme here on and someone asked if it was easy. Yes, it was easy to switch WordPress themes. Very.

What makes a WordPress theme beautiful?

If you're going to step into theme design, you likely want to ask yourself this question: What makes a WordPress theme beautiful? Here's my take.