Infographic: Customer Engagement Research and the WordPress community

WP Tips

Pressnomics was Fantastic!

We like to talk about the value and importance of customer service, but often it's anecdotal stories. Well the good news is that the research is available and I've tried to pull it together to make it easy to digest. Why? And for who?

The answers come from my recent (and fantastic) experience at the first-ever Pressnomics conference. It was the first time anyone had gathered businesses from the WordPress community, to talk business, rather than development. As a business guy first, and a software guy second, I loved the idea. But I also saw the gaps – not in the conference, but in a clear sense of how young the companies were in this space. And because I know research, graphics, presentation, and business, I figured this would be a simple way to contribute to the discussions that are going on post-Pressnomics.

Customer Engagement & What it Means for the WordPress Community