
Keep your head up!

There are days where maybe you just need an encouraging word. Here's my personal take on life optimization - keep your head up!

A Developer’s Learning Curve

For developers, a learning curve is a constant reality. There's literally no end. Here's why there's no reason to fear it.

How I overcome Impostor Syndrome before a Presentation

I have a trick that helps me overcome Impostor Syndrome for the 45 minutes before I get on stage to deliver a presentation. Here it is.

Do you remember the show Hoarders?

Did you ever see Hoarders? What if we're just as bad? But in a different way than on the show.

Procrastinate Strategically

It's not about saying no to something. It's about saying not yet. That's what it means (to me) to procrastinate strategically.

Time Management Reality: We each have 24 hours a day

We each have 24 hours each day. So time management doesn't really exist. Time will keep passing. All the time. So here's what you can do.

Keep Circling Back

It's a daily habit for me. It trains me to deal with the natural anchoring that happens in my brain. It's the habit of circling back. Here's why it's key.

Here’s my “Getting Things Done” Secret

As I'm finalizing my talk for Pressnomics, I thought I would share at least 1 of my getting things done tips for folks (including those who won't be there.)

Things I hate: The power of fear

Among the top things I hate is the power of fear to stop you from all the things you could / should do. Don't give in to that power.

Have a new product or service for the WordPress community?

Stepping into the WordPress community can be awesome or frustrating. Here's my take on how to do it well. Go slow!

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