
The one thing you need to know about winning

A lot of people give business advice. A lot of people talk about winning. I've found there's one thing you need to know more than anything else.

The grass is always greener

You hear everyone talking about looking for a new job - mostly looking for a spot with greener grass. But the grass is always greener where you water it.

Bet on yourself

Some decisions can't be made by getting advice. Some require you to make your own call. Will you bet on yourself? The answer should be obvious.

Even if you don’t agree, I think you are awesome. Here’s why.

Your "good enough" is likely to be someone else's "awesome." Your perspective betrays you. That's why I already think you are awesome.

Building your product isn’t the most important thing!

I know you're thinking building your product is the most challenging thing ever. But it's not. It's only one item you need to think about. Here are others.

Three kinds of People

When people ask you how things are going, it's easy to boast (and shape the truth.) Instead, I'll answer by saying there are three kinds of people.

What does ballet have to do with professional WordPress?

Here were some of my thoughts on what it means to build professional WordPress organizations - my talk from WordCamp Europe 2014.

Embrace the Burn

I'm sitting here watching kids of all ages practice their Kung Fu. My daughter is just minutes away from helping test another student (so they can get their next sash). As I watch I'm reminded of a truth I shared ...

Are you developing ALL your skills?

Our community focuses on helping you develop your development skills. But are you developing ALL your skills?

What do you do with your fear?

Do you let fear stop you? I started a new job yesterday. Here's how I dealt with it.

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