
Are you a master of memories?

Want to get ahead in business? These three skills are all critical - and will make you a master of memories.

On Developing Expertise

Expertise and mastery require a set of steps. What's interesting to me is that we often get the order wrong. Here's the right order.

Developers, architects and managers: Consider my two day rule

It started as a simple question but has turned into a guide that impacts almost every aspect of software development on my teams: it's my two day rule.

Big Rocks First

The story goes like this. A professor walks to the front of the room with a large glass jar—the kind that you'd make iced tea in (and could serve a family for a couple of days). His students all watch ...

Are you willing to learn from just about anyone?

My learning posture has changed over the years. These days I am willing to learn from just about anyone. But that wasn't always the case.

Knowledge begs to be shared

You can hide something. You can hope to protect it. But eventually people stop looking because they don't know it exists. So share knowledge.

Do you have an untrained gut?

Exposure and experience shape our intuition. It's not an automatic thing that you can trust your gut. Sometimes you have an untrained gut. Here's help.

Impostors, Fakers, Posers, And the Insecure: this is for you!

Dealing with the impostor syndrome isn't fun - but it's important if you struggle with feeling like an impostor, faker, or poser.

Business Models shouldn’t be scary

Having a hypothesis of how your business will run is a good thing. Calling them business models may make them sound scarier, but they don't have to be.

Stop saying “Fake it until you make it” Please

If there's a phrase I hate more than "Fake it until you make it," I can't think of it. But here's the reason why I'd love to remove it from our lexicon.

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