WordPress Ecosystem

What do you do when your project, business, or startup fails?

I received an email via my website tonight. It came from a person facing failure. What do you do when your startup fails? His reaction was fantastic.

WordPress gives you tools to change lives

It's something I never thought about when I first started using WordPress. But today I appreciate it more than ever. It's a tool that helps me change lives.

What are you paying for when you buy GPL themes and plugins?

I've suggested themes may end up costing more. But if these are GPL themes, shouldn't they be free? Here's my take.

What happens if WordPress themes get more expensive?

There's been a lot of talk and question about WordPress themes and their prices. Here's my take on what happens if prices go up.

I say no to promoting your (unknown) product

You hope I'll promote your unknown product. But you don't know me. If you did, you'd know I say no a lot. Like now.

More thoughts on the future of WordPress Themes

There's been a lot of talk of the commoditization of WordPress Themes. Here are some additional thoughts on the future of WordPress themes.

The Future of Managed WordPress Hosting (my take)

Did Monty Python just help me make my case? Yes, yes he did. Here's my take on the future of Managed WordPress hosting.

I wasn’t always a fan of open source software

Sometimes it takes a company's support and backing to help change minds. That's how it was for me and the open source movement. Will you help?

Is it worth getting into the premium theme business?

People have wondered if the premium theme business is dead - seeing DevPress & Press75 for sale, and others (iThemes, WooThemes) move to plugins. It's not.

WordPressers, should you build your own CRM?

Think it might be great to build your own crm? I want to suggest you consider marketing automation alternatives.

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