
Now, update multiple WordPress sites at once (from your phone)

If you use iThemes Sync, you can update multiple WordPress sites at once - from your iPhone

GetClouder: a new option in web hosting that’s pretty amazing

There's a new option for web and application hosting called getclouder and it's pretty sweet. You may want to check it out.

WordPress as a Platform: Evermore

When you bring hosting, themes, curated plugins, and a solid pricing structure, you get a great small business WordPress platform: Evermore.

Do you need to make a new WordPress site? Try Make

Make is a free WordPress drag & drop theme that you're really going to like.

WooCommerce Bookings: the best WordPress appointment solution

For the last couple years, people have asked me about the best appointment booking solution for WordPress. My constant answer has been, “Why are you adding the ‘for WordPress' into your analysis?” I've asked that because most of the solutions ...

The Best WordPress Membership Plugin in 2014

It's hard to say that there's a best WordPress membership plugin. But check out this comparative analysis. You might be surprised to see who won.

When to use NextGen Gallery with WordPress?

You may be surprised by my answer. Because in this comparison, NextGen Gallery doesn't compare well to Envira, a new WordPress plugin you should check out.

Envira Gallery: He’s no ordinary guy, This is no ordinary plugin

It's beautiful. It's amazing. It's fast. It's simple. It's Envira Gallery.

Non-technical Genesis website owners have a new reason to rejoice!

Non-technical Genesis website owners no longer need to learn CSS (or any code) to change their look and feel. You're going to love this!

Events Calendar Pro: Small, Fast and Easy

When you need a simple and easy to use events calendar for WordPress, there's really only one choice: Events Calendar Pro.