Website Strategy

How welcoming is your website? Learn from Headway Themes

Sometimes we worry too much about our products and forget a critical question: How welcoming is your website? Check out how one company improved their site.

How I grew my blog to 1 million pageviews in 18 months (without tricks)

Here are my secrets to getting to 1 million pageviews on my blog in 18 months without any tricks.

Why I use comments on my site

When it comes to comments on a site, there's a lot of debate on whether you should or shouldn't have them. Here's my reasoning.

Why I send my entire post to my RSS subscribers

You could send an excerpt to subscribers of your RSS feed. But I hate that. Here's why. And how to fix it by sending your entire post.

Do I really need Infusionsoft WordPress integration on my site?

Integration projects are costly. I want to introduce you an alternative approach that may make that Infusionsoft WordPress Integration project disappear.

Keyword not provided, oh my!

If you help folks with SEO, and they're starting to complain about the phrase "keyword not provided", here's my take.

Growing your Email List

If you want to grow your email list, you may want to check out one of these two services. See the difference (in real numbers) they make!

Is your website working?

People come to your web site looking to hire it. So is your website working? Does it clearly tell the right story?

Customers And Users aren’t the same

Customers and users are two words we sometimes confuse. They're not the same. Customers pay. Users use.

Integrating Gravity Forms with Basecamp (and 210 other web services)

Integrating Gravity Forms with web services (like BaseCamp) has just gotten much, much easier - because of a single service (Zapier) and a new add-on.

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