WordPress Tools

Why the Ninja Forms bundle makes sense

Here are three reasons that the upcoming Ninja Forms bundle makes perfect sense. For the right customers - it's a no brainer.

Worried about CSS? Check out CSS Hero

If you've not heard of CSS Hero, you need to know about it - right now! It's so cool. Here's a quick video for you.

Progressive Profiling: Have you started this yet?

If you were thinking that progressive profiling was only for enterprise customers, then I want you to reconsider. I've just used it on my contact form. Here's how you can do it too!

Leadin 2.0 is here!

Say hi to marketing automation with WordPress by checking out Leadin 2.0 the latest WordPress plugin your site totally needs!

Now, update multiple WordPress sites at once (from your phone)

If you use iThemes Sync, you can update multiple WordPress sites at once - from your iPhone

GetClouder: a new option in web hosting that’s pretty amazing

There's a new option for web and application hosting called getclouder and it's pretty sweet. You may want to check it out.

WordPress as a Platform: Evermore

When you bring hosting, themes, curated plugins, and a solid pricing structure, you get a great small business WordPress platform: Evermore.

When to use NextGen Gallery with WordPress?

You may be surprised by my answer. Because in this comparison, NextGen Gallery doesn't compare well to Envira, a new WordPress plugin you should check out.

Envira Gallery: He’s no ordinary guy, This is no ordinary plugin

It's beautiful. It's amazing. It's fast. It's simple. It's Envira Gallery.

Non-technical Genesis website owners have a new reason to rejoice!

Non-technical Genesis website owners no longer need to learn CSS (or any code) to change their look and feel. You're going to love this!