Product Business

When is it worth selling lifetime or unlimited plans?

Sometimes lifetime or unlimited plans can make sense. But only sometimes. And it means you have to do some math homework to know if it's a good idea.

Building your product isn’t the most important thing!

I know you're thinking building your product is the most challenging thing ever. But it's not. It's only one item you need to think about. Here are others.

Pricing Lessons Everywhere

You can step into a store, read the paper, play a videogame or more and you'll soon realize that you can see pricing lessons everywhere.

WordPress businesses, this SaaS is for you!

Compared to other marketing automation solutions, this SaaS is a no-brainer if you have an online business.

Plugin developers, there’s a right way and a wrong way

I hate saying it, but it's true - there's a right and wrong way to do things. Here's an example many plugin developers can learn from.

Building Product Families in WordPress

We don't talk about it a lot but as the WordPress ecosystem matures, we should start thinking about product families. It will help everyone.

What about selling themes without support, or a la carte?

If you're selling themes, you may have thought about trying to do it without support. Here's my take on why that will fail. Just my take.

Four mistakes WordPress theme vendors make

Continuing in this series, here are four mistakes WordPress theme vendors often make. Not you. Other people. But it may help to quickly review them. You know, just in case.

WordPress Theme Vendors: Sell the right stuff

Sometimes it's easy to fall into selling things like everyone else. If you're a WordPress theme vendor, here's my suggestions for doing it right.

Your MVP isn’t a Product for Clients

I spend a lot of time with startups in my evenings and weekends. often talking about MVPs. If your MVP is just a way to earn money, you're missing out.